Saturday, February 20, 2021




10 marks

Enumerate the types of apasmara. Explain in detail about its lakshana and chikitsa .

Explain different types of rasayana, its Importance and discuss about achara rasayana

Describe the principle of treatment and management of ghridhrasi

Describe the principle of treatment and management of unmade

Define Vatavyadhi and describe its samprapti, lakshana and samanya chikitsa

Describe sthana, guna, karma of Manas and discuss chikitsa of Apasmara

Principles of treatment and management in pakshavadha

Discuss features and management of unmada

Describe the principle of treatment and management of pakshaghata

Describe the principle of treatment and management of apasmara

Discuss the etiopathogenesis and symptoms of hypothyroidism with its diagnostic criteria

and ayurvedic line of management.

Describe the acute myocardial infarction and utility of serum enzyme investigation in its

diagnosis. Elaborate the role of Ayurveda in the management of ischaemic heart disease.

5 marks

Lakshanas and chikitsa of manyastambha

Trayopastambha and vajikarana.

Define satwavajaya chikitsa and discuss its importance


Clinical signs and symptoms of pneumonia and mention its management

Protein energy malnutrition- clinical features and management

Treatment principles of urustambha.

Gridhrasi and its chikitsa

Explain types of avarana and its saamanya chikitsa

Etiology, clinical features and management of pancreatitis.

Discuss bahiparimarjana chikitsa in avabahuka

Discuss shamana chikitsa in anxiety disorder

Management of parkinsonism

Myocardial infarction

Method of kutipraveshika rasayana

Definition of rasayana

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

Describe the treatment of urustambha

Brief the methods of amalaki rasayana

Environmental factors in causation of illness and its management

Describe Kutipraveshika Rasayana vidhi

Nidana, lakshana and chikitsa of Ardita

Describe Medhya Rasayana in the management of Manasa Roga

Stree-prasamsa in the light of Vajikarana

What is meant by Atattvabhinivesha. Describe its management

Use of Achara rasayana in present era

Management of status asthmatics

Differential diagnosis and management of Pakshaghata

Describe about diseases due to food poisoning and their management

Symptoms and management of hyperthyroidism

Clinical features and management of hypothyroidism.

Food allergy and its management

Features and management of Alzheimer’s disease.

Diagnosis and management in acute abdomen

Importance of rasayana in vardhakya.

Clinical features of acute respiratory distress syndrome and its management

Define vajikarana tantra and explain various shukra doshas

Etiopathogenesis and management of leptospirosis

Nidana and chikitsa of GB syndrome

Vardhamana pippali rasayana

Discuss ahiparimarjana chikitsa in vishvachi

Discuss shamana chikitsa in mood disorder

Management of gullian barrie syndrome

Describe medhya rasayana

Method of vatatapika rasayana

Classification of vajikarana

Treatment of hypothyroidism

Describe the treatment of udavarta

Brief the methods of shilajatu rasayana

 Discuss iatrogenic factors in causation of illness and its management

Describe principles of treatment of sarvangavata.

Explain management of katigraha.

Nidan and chikitsa of urustambha.

Ayurvedic treatment of parkinsonism (Kampavata).

Role of rasayana in latrogenic diseased conditions.

Management of vardhakyajanita vikara.

Vajikarana dravya and aushadhi.


Management of myasthenia gravis.

Role of satwavajaya chikitsa in stress induced disorders.


3 marks

Muscular dystrophy

Daiva vyapashraya chikitsa

Motor neuron disease

Medhya rasayana

Koshtagata vata


Phalavat shukra lakshanas


Poorvakarma of rasayana vidhi.


Symptoms and treatment of vitamin A deficiency

Diagnosis and management of jara shosha

Treating muscular dystrophy

Management of pitttavrita vata

Symptoms and treatment of raktagata vata

Management of food allergy

Treatment of gastritis

Symptoms of good shukra

Renal colic


Explain the management of auto immune disorders

Lakshana and chikitsa of Gridhrasi

Agantuja Unmada and its chikitsa

Symptoms and management of leptospirosis

Symptoms and management of anxiety disorders

Explain nidana and theory of ageing

Lakshana and chikitsa of Apatantraka

 Adravyabhuoota chikitsa in Manasa Roga

Emergency management of chest pain

Lakshana and chikitsa of Avabahuka

Management of motion sickness

Autoimmune disorders

Water soluble vitamins and its natural sources

Shukra vrudhikara vaajikarana dravyas.

Rasayana prayoga kala.

Management in status asthematicus


Management of vatakantaka.

Sthana guna karma of manas.

Snayu-ashti-sandhigata vata chikitsa

Symptoms and treatment of vitamin D deficiency

Etiopathogenesis and management of pneumonia

Myasthenia gravis

Management of kaphavrita vata

Symptoms and treatment of mamsagata vata

Management of drug allergy

Treatment of Pancreatitis

Diseases of adrenal gland



Muscular dystrophy.

Management of hypoglycemia.

Explain diagnostic criteria for pancreatitis.

Kutipraveshika rasayana.

Vata kantaka.

Management of motion sickness.

Rules and regulation after rasayana therapy.

Vitamin deficiency diseases and their treatment.

Symptoms of good shukra

Status asthmaticus

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