Saturday, February 20, 2021




10 marks

Explain the clinical features and management of tamaka shwasa in detail

Discuss the chikitsa sutra and management of all types of kamala in detail

Discuss avaranajanya and dhatukshayajanya madhumeha with importance of ten

dushyas in the samprapti of prameha and its principles of treatment.

Describing the samprapti lakshana of alasaka and vilambika, discuss the chikitsa sutra

and management of visuchika.

Describe in detail Paribhasha, Lakshana, Nidana, Chikitsa Sutra and Chikitsa of

Prameha roga

Define Rasayana. Describe Kutipraveshika Rasayana therapy in detail with its mode of administration and Pathya-Apathya.

Discuss in detail about the chikitsa sutra and management of shotha

Discuss in detail about the chikitsa sutra and management of mutrakrichra

Describe nidana panchaka and treatment of Prameha in detail.

Discuss in detail about Nidana, Samprapthi and management of Urusthamba.

Describe Nidana Panchaka, types and management of Grahani.

Discuss the importance of Rasayana therapy in present era and describe AcharaRasayana.

5 marks

Ayurvedic understanding and management of diabetes mellitus.

Clinical features and management of amavata

Chikitsa sutra and shamana chikitsa in kilasa

Different stages of mada and their management.

Clinical conditions of adhoga raktapitta and their management.

Clinical features of hritshoola and immediate measures to save the life of the patient

Name the ama doshas and mention its management.

Features and management of urdhwaga amlapitta

Discuss the treatment principles in jalodara

Chikitsa sutra and management of ardra arshas

Scope of Ayurveda in the management of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Discuss the ayurvedic management of tamak shwasa.

Ekadash roop of rajayakshma.


Discuss ayurvedic management of hypertension.

Grahani chikitsa.

Ayurvedic managemet of puyameha (Gonorrhoea).

Nephrotic syndrome.

Discuss the ayurvedic management of pravahika.

Trishna chikitsa.

Ekadasha Roopa of Rajayakshma and Chikitsa

Tamaka Shwasa Chikitsa

Rasa Shesha Ajeerna

Vishuchika upadrava

Nidana and Chikitsa of Urustambha

The Sandigata Vata lakshana and Chikitsa.

Arshoroga Nidana and Chikitsa

Action of Sneha in Madhumeha.

Bhutonmada lakshana and Chikitsa

How do you administer Vardhamana pippali kalpa, explain in detail.

The treatment of vilambika

Describe the principles of treatment and management of arbuda

Elaborate the treatment of shukradosha

Describe the principles of treatment and management of purishaja krimi

Elaborate the treatment of upadamsha

Depression and its management

The management of bronchiectasis

The treatment of muscular dystrophy

Describe benign prostatic hypertrophy and its management

Causes, symptoms and management of hyponatremia hypokalemia

Define Rasayana and Vajeekarana and differentiate between them.

The line of treatment of Ardhita according to Susrutha charya.

Describe sadhyasadhyatva and management of Visuchika.

Differentiate between Phiranga and Upadamsha and write the treatment of Phiranga.

Shilajathu Rasayana.

Explain Raktatisara.

Samanya lakshane and chikitsa of Unmada.

Vathika Kasa and its line of treatment.

The relevance of ‘Thakaprayoga’ in Grahaniroga.

Udavartha and its line of treatment.

Describe treatment of Kasa.

Describe Sadhya-asadhyata of Shwasa.

Difference between Kati Graha and Gridrasi.

Samprapti of Pakshavadh.

How to understand etio-pathology of motor neuron diseases from Ayurveda point of


Explain Chikitsa Sutra of Prameha.

Importance of Upanaha Sweda in Sandigata vata.

Signs and symptoms of IBS.

Explain how Pranjaparadha can be one of the root causes of all diseases.

Importance of Medhya Rasayana in today’s modern time.


3 marks

Modalities of chikitsa in janu sandhigata vata.

Management of puyameha

Importance of kapha dosha in manifestation of mutraashmari

Management of sheetapitta

Aamatisara chikitsa sutra

Takra prayoga in grahani

Ashta doshas in sthoulya

Understanding dyslipidaemia in Ayurveda




Ajirna chikitsa.



Agnimandya chikitsa.



Ayurvedic management of chronic bronchitis.

Shotha chikitsa.


Urakshata Nidana

Important drugs used in Amlapitta

Annaja Hikka

Mamsa rasa prayoga in Rajayakshma

Features of dehydration

Yosha Apasmara

Explain Atattvabhinivesha

Give two examples of Adravyabhuta Chikitsa indicated in Unmada

Rasayana in vardhakya

Types of Klaibya

The treatment of vishvachi

Describe the treatment of asthimajja vidradhi

Define krodha and write its management

Elaborate adravyabhuta chikitsa


The derivation and definition of vajikarana

 Ayurvedic management of osteopenia

Treatment of ulcerative colitis

Describe antioxidants

The treatment of kampavat

Pathya-apathya in Udara.

Lakshana of Vrushyoushadha.

The line of treatment of Thamakaswasa

Differentiate between mutrakrichra and mutraghata

Explain Satwavajayaa chikitsa

Medhya Rasayana.

Raktarsha chikitsa.

List the ingredients of Rasnairandadi kashaya.


The line of treatment of Vathika Apasmara.

Line of treatment of four Avasthas of Agni.

Types of Shotha.

Line of treatment of Udakavaha Srotas.

Avarana samanya chikitsa.

The Chikitsa of Ardita Vata.

Synonyms of Rasayana.

Chikitsa Sutra of disorders of Mutravaha Srotasa.

Difference between Klaibya and Dhwajabhanga.

Importance of Sattwavajaya Chikitsa in Manasa Roga.

Define Vajikarana and give three name of Vajikarana formulation.

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